Signature Mint Requests
Signature mints are created typically for over-allocated mints, and are protected by Merkleproofs as an attempt to ward off bots. Modules are useful not only for over-allocated mints (300%+ supply), but also for those holding WL across multiple wallets.
Please request a module for a signature mint no shorter than 24-48 hours before the mint.
Signature mints all vary and require different amounts of time to crack. Depending on complexity, it may take our team many hours to complete.
The more detail you provide in your signature requests, the better. Always try and include the website, contract details, and a WL wallet for testing.
We will NOT make sig modules until about an hour before mint. Remember that sig modules are best effort, and there are no guarantees. Always mint from website as backup.
Mint details are constantly changing, and it is best practice to make modules about an hour before mint. For each signature mint we work on there will be a thread where the team will keep you updated as we get closer to mint.
You may watch progress of a mint in the
Sig Dashboard
. When you see theActive
tag, you may create your task.
Setup and Gas
If other people successfully mint but you did not, 99% chance you set up the bot wrong or your gas was too low.
If you are having issues setting up your task or experience an error on mint, hop over to our discord and we will do our best to help you out. Please test out the bot on lower stake mints, if you are new to Sensei.
Go to the mint bot section, and select drops (next to the mint stream). Click
Request New Drop
2. Fill in the relevant details. These will get forwarded to us automatically.
3. We will do our best to create all modules, but will favor those with community demand.
4. Once a module is created, you can simply press create task. Fill in your node, wallets, and gas. You are now good to go. Happy minting!
Last updated