Sensei Swaps
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Last updated
Paste a token or token pair address into the search bar
Choose your preferred wallet(s) with the Wallets Dropdown
Enter the amount of ETH you would like to swap per wallet in the Amount Tab
Input the specific slippage (1-100) you would like in the Slippage Tab
Click the Shield Icon
to enable MEV bundling
All MEV tasks will begin with [MEV]
Use MEV Bundling to protect yourself from sandwich attacks π₯ͺ
Select your gas + wallet (it should auto-select the wallet you are swapping via, if you are doing a single swap)
Research the contract to determine how many deadblocks there will be
Set the "Delay Target Block" to the number of blocks you wish to skip. e.g. if there is 3 deadblocks, you would click "+3"
Prevent the bot from sending the bundle until all of the wallets have signed their respective transactions.
Set as default in Defi Settings
Change your conditions to trigger the buy txn (can set custom flipstate monitors to quickly snipe new tokens as they open)
Edit specific gas settings
Change your node (check settings to add your own private nodes)
Revert Check is set by default and will ping the contract until it recognizes you can buy. For the majority of opportunities, revert check is all thats needed β
Once you are ready to start your txn, you can click Start
or Execute
Amount is a uniswap router function where the input is the minimum amount of tokens you will accept.
will set your slippage for your sale txn
Quick gas settings are available to set your prio and max at or above base fee
To create your task, click
When MEV Protection is active, your shield will be highlighted blue
Click in the bundle viewer.
Click submit. You should have an approval transaction in your bundle with a stacked nonce.
Click on a task and selecting MEV Wait For All
Click in your BUNDLING
Click the button on your task to open custom options for your buy order
Will start your task when your conditions are met
Will ignore all conditions and push your txn immediately
It is recommended to use the button each time you push a txn. Revert check will always check to see if the txn will go through before pushing. This can help you to avoid failed txns on error if you are not using MEV.
Click to approve your tokens for sale
Click after approving to sell your tokens
Quick gas settings are available to set your prio and max at or above base fee