Portfolio Dashboard
Last updated
Last updated
Select Wallets
or a Group
to add to your portfolio dashboard
Using Address tracker
you can add any address to track that is not in your Wallet Manager
just paste your wallet address in Wallet Address
and name your wallet in Wallet Name
Search by token name, symbol, or contract address
Filter by Highest Total Current Value, Highest Unrealized Profit, and Highest Realized Profit
Filter by Wallets
Current holdings only: Show only tokens you currently hold
Hide losses: Hides all tokens where you are at a loss
Hide dust: Hides tokens where you hold a 0 balance
Hide low liquidity: Hides all tokens with less than 5 eth in the LP
Hide stables: Hides all stable coins
allows you to see more data regarding your tradesTOTAL PURCHASES: Aggregate of all purchases on the token
BALANCE(TOKEN): Your current token balance
BALANCE (Ξ): Total balance ETH value
BALANCE (USD): Total balance in USD
UNREALIZED P/L: Total profit or loss including tokens you hold and have not sold
TOTAL SALES (Ξ): Total ETH value of tokens sold
REALIZED P/L: Total ETH profited from your token trades
Click to save your wallet selection
saves your image to your clipboard so you can paste it wherever you like
automatically saves your image to your downloads folder
post your image in the student wins discord channel in the Sensei server