Bug Submission Etiquette
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Bugs are inevitable in any software. We know of their existence only when reported to us. But simply knowing is not enough. In order to resolve a bug, we need to to both locate and reproduce it.
As a general rule of thumb, the more information you can provide to reproduce the bug, the better.
Sometimes simply refreshing the page (CTRL + SHIFT + R) will resolve most UI bugs.
There are two components to every successful mint - setup and execution.
Setup requires you to correctly input details into the mint bot. If you are unsure, simply ask someone in the discord or use our point-and-click drops interface within Sensei Plus.
Execution requires you to often set the correct gas settings. Generally the most common reason for a failed transaction, is that your Priority Gas was simply too low. Please get into the habit of checking EtherScan, and seeing what was the lowest Priority Fee you could have paid.
E.g. Let us take this mint as an example: 0x526d490899873cc4695b58789b5c6d63be422577
Go through the transaction pages, until you see a bunch of failed transactions. https://etherscan.io/txs?a=0x526d490899873cc4695b58789b5c6d63be422577&p=12
Click into the transactions, and identify the priority fee paid. We can see here that the lowest Priority Fee paid was 15 GWEI, and anyone that paid less were not able to mint.
Once we are happy that we have all the information required, we will be placing it in our internal bug fixing list. We try our best to address bugs as fast as possible, but please be mindful that we are balancing feature development obligations as well.
It is important to also temper expectations that bug fixes are not just a 5-minute long endeavour. Please do not excessively tag the developers, expecting the bug to be fixed within the next 10 minutes, or be offended when we do not reply within 1 hour. We often are simply not checking discord, because we are focused on developing new software.
Of course, if the bug critically impacts the core bot logic, PLEASE let us know ASAP.
Below is a case study example of an internal conversation between Sensei devs in resolving a bug with the FAIR.XYZ module. Try emulating this when submitting your own bug reports.
Try and attempt to reproduce the bug yourself, before asking for help. Unless you can articulate what the bug is, the steps needed to reproduce it, there is a low probability that the Sensei team (or anyone) will be able to identify the bug.
Give us a one liner of the bug with associated error logs or proof of it. Sometimes just reading the logs carefully, will shed light to what is the source of the problem.
Clicking "Export Logs" in the Sensei UI allows you to download the logs.
E.g. FAIR.XYZ module failed to capture signature. Below is a screenshot with associated txt dump of error logs.
Then provide us with all the information needed to reproduce it.
E.g. This occurred when I attempted to mint https://fair.xyz/collection/firstmates on app.sensei-testnet.win using the FAIR.XYZ module. I am using standard settings that you can see in the screenshot below. Other potentially useful notes is that I am using a Brave browser without VPN.
This is for users that know how to navigate developer tools. Such information can be useful to the Sensei team in debugging. Please take caution in sharing information here, as it may contain sensitive information. If you are not sure, attempt to describe what you found to the best of your abilities and await our help.
Right click on your browser and click "Inspect". Alternatively go to "Developer Tools". You should see the following.
Clear the console (right click > clear console history), and try to reproduce the bug. Often times an error will pop up. Screenshot and send us the error log.
E.g. Unrelated example below
Refresh your page, and try to reproduce the bug. Inspect the network traffic for any errors relating to Sensei. Right click the network request and copy as cURL.
E.g. Below is an example of a network error relating to FAIR.XYZ. I have not attached the copied cURL of this request, as there are sensitive information in it.