Sensei Auto-Sniper
Last updated
Last updated
Paste the contract address of the token you want to snipe in the Token Search Bar
Choose individual wallets or wallet groups created in the Wallet Manger
Value Eth
: Total Eth you woud like to buy at launch
Dead Blocks
: Bot will delay execution equal to the blocks you input.
Total Amount
: Exact amount of tokens you would like to purchase on your snipe
Value Eth
: Total Eth you woud like to buy at launch
Dead Blocks
: Bot will delay execution equal to the blocks you input.
How to input exact tokes:
Go to the contract address in etherscan and look for the decimals value in the read methods
See how many decimals the contract uses. Most commonly you'll see 18 and 9
Input how many tokens you would like followed by 0s totaling the same number listed in the decimal read function
ex: If you want 69 tokens and the contract has a decimal of 18, your input will be 69000000000000000000
Total Supply Percentage
: Target your buy to purchase an exact percentage of supply
Value Eth
: Total Eth you woud like to buy at launch
Dead Blocks
: Bot will delay execution equal to the blocks you input.
Choose either Revert Check and/or your choice of flipstate for your task execution.
To create a Snipe Task
to auto-snipe a new token launch, start by clicking the icon next to the search bar
Select your Venue , either Uniswap V2
or Uniswap V3
Click to start your condition monitors. Once the token is open for trading, your task will fire and snipe based on your inputs.